Azure Iconography
IcM Mobile
IcM developed as a desktop-only incident management platform. As I joined the PIE Design team, IcM was deep in developing their mobile experience. They needed a refreshed icon system that could fit into Azure’s approach while also setting them up to function as a third-party platform used by a variety of clients and developer teams. I began exploring how we could push the boundary and use more color to delineate which icon function was activated. After stress testing color, and approach, we decided that a more neutral approach would function better.
Azure Workbooks Icon System
Workbooks is a platform that both allows users to create their own analytical logbook, select from pre-made templates that exist from previous users, or Microsoft generated versions. The Workbooks team needed new iconography that represented these selections, and give the service it’s own separate brand that separated them from the other “book-like” icons that existed on the Azure Portal, as well as a system that spoke to each choice a user could make.
Engineering Hub
The Engineering Hub team was relying on an outdated icon system that needed updating. The goal was giving them a new system of icons to use in diagrams that explain their business, and a responsive breakdown so they could be used as menu and navigational icons.